1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 cup water
- Heat the water in a stainless steel pot over high heat.
- Add the seeds.
- Allow the tea to boil for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your preferred strength.
- Strain out the seeds and place the tea in an insulated thermos.
- Sip throughout the day for maximum benefits!
Or you can add seeds into infuser cup and let it steep for 8 mins
No more gas, stronger digestion, increased fat burning, and fewer toxins—this ancient tea is your key to a healthier you!
When it comes to your digestive system and melting belly fat, this tea is truly a game changer. Combining three classic culinary spices—cumin, coriander, and fennel—this ancient Ayurvedic blend aids in nutrient absorption, stimulates the lymphatic system, and promotes overall digestive wellness.
Benefits of Cumin
🌿 Stimulates agni (digestive fire)
🌿 Decreases gas and soothes indigestion
🌿 Flushes out ama (toxic waste)
🌿 Relieves congestion and soothes inflamed mucous membranes
🌿 Contains antioxidants and iron, improving elimination and overall health
🌿 Cumin is pacifying to vata and kapha doshas, but its heating nature is balanced by coriander and fennel, making it suitable even for pittas.
Benefits of Coriander
🌿 Improves digestion and relieves gas
🌿 Helps with pitta disorders, especially urinary and digestive problems
🌿 Increases digestion and absorption, treating intestinal disorders
🌿 Reduces inflammation, even helping with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis
Benefits of Fennel
🌿 Strengthens agni without aggravating pitta
🌿 Stops cramping and relaxes the digestive tract
🌿 Promotes mental alertness and aids in IBS relief
🌿 Increases fat burning and helps move lymph
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