There are always loads of recipes I'd like to try but lose them before I do. This is where I can record recipes I find interesting and keep notes on my experiments with them.

I have a system that I've adopted for working through recipes:

1 - New recipes are saved to the Experimental Mouffette and is labeled : Untested
2 - As I'm working out the changes I'd like to make (if any) it is labeled : Testing
3 - Once I think I've got the correct formula it is labeled : Test 1
4 - IF I am able to reproduce the effect a second time it is labeled : Test 2 - if I am not able to reproduce the effect, it remains Test 1
5 - The same process as step 4 is used to graduate it to Test 3
6 - Once I have been able to reproduce the effect successfully 3 times, it graduates to my main blog, La Mouffette Gourmande

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Gratin of crozets with sausage - Untested

For the Pasta

300gr (approx 2 1/2 cups?) buckwheat flour
3 eggs
Maybe some water

  1. In a large bowl combine the flour and the egg until it forms a firm ball. If it's too dry, add a little water and knead until uniform.
  2. Wrap and allow to rest at room temperature for 1 hour.
  3. Using a pasta machine, roll the dough into noodles and cut, first in tagliatelles, and then into small squares.
  4. IF YOU DON'T have a pasta machine, roll out with a rolling pin over a floured surface until noodle-thin. Cut into thin strips a 1/4" wide and then again to make small squares
  5. In boiling water add the crozets and cook for 2 minutes. When they float to the surface they are ready.
Once cooked, combine the crozets with the following:

1 Tbsp butter
1 onion, sliced thin
1/4 cup white wine
? Gruyère or Swiss cheese
1 lb fresh sausage (your choice)
Salt and pepper

  1. Sauté the onion in the butter until soft. Deglaze with the wine. Season with salt and pepper. Add the sausage and slowly simmer. No need to brown?
  2. In a gratin dish, put down alternating layers of the crozets, thinly sliced cheese, and the sausage mixture. Finish with a layer of the sausage.
  3. Bake in the oven a few minutes in a 350F oven. Broil a bit if you want the top browned.

Crozets au sarrasin maison {Savoie}

Les crozets sont ces petites pâtes carrées venant de Savoie. Un des classiques de la gastronomie alpine, dont l’origine serait piémontaise (ah nos amis italiens et la pasta !). On en trouve dans le commerce au sarrasin ou blancs au blé dur.

Les avis divergent sur leur histoire : ils viendraient d’une pâte à lasagne découpée un jour en petits carrés. « croé » signifie « petit » en patois savoyard, mais « crwê » signifie croix, comme la croix du Dauphiné… En tous les cas, ils avaient par le passé un goût et une forme spécifique à chaque vallée des Alpes.

C’était le plat du pauvre, ils se cuisinaient de toutes les façons : natures, gratinés au fromage, dans la soupe, avec du lait etc… Aujourd’hui on les connaît en gratin avec du Beaufort, un délice rustique de saison, ou avec des diots, les petites saucisses savoyardes. Lors de mon séjour en Haute-Savoie, j’ai aussi goûté à la croziflette, c’est-à-dire la tartiflette aux crozets, où les pommes de terre sont tout simplement remplacées par les crozets. Un plat pas tout à fait traditionnel, créé il y a une quinzaine d’années pour plaire aux touristes hivernaux…mais que c’est bon !

Comme les pâtes en général, il n’est pas compliqué de les faire soi-même. Voici ma recette, avec de la farine de sarrasin :

Pour 4 personnes

300 g de farine de sarrasin
3 œufs

Verser la farine et les œufs battus dans un saladier. Bien mélanger, jusqu’à obtenir une pâte homogène et compacte. Si la pâte est trop sèche, ajouter de l’eau. Former une boule et la laisser reposer 1h à température ambiante.

Avec une machine à pâtes : passer la pâte dans le laminoir puis dans le découpoir à tagliatelles et les déposer bien à plat sur le plan de travail fariné. Découper les tagliatelles en petits carrés.


Sans machine à pâtes : étaler la pâte assez finement au rouleau à pâtisserie sur un plan de travail fariné. Découper la pâte en longue bande de 0,5 cm de large, puis couper dans l’autre sens pour former des petits carrés. J’ai utilisé en l’espèce une petite roulette de pâtisserie.

Faire bouillir une grande casserole d’eau chaude salée puis y jeter les crozets pendant 2 min. Quand ils remontent à la surface, ils sont cuits. Il ne reste plus qu’à les égoutter et les cuisiner. On se croirait en Bretagne avec l’odeur du sarrasin qui s’en dégage!

Ma recette de crozets au fromage et saucisse au vin blanc

saucisse fraiche (j’ai remplacé les diots de Savoie par de la saucisse de Toulouse)
des oignons
du vin blanc
de la tomme de montagne (ou du reblochon, j’ai utilisé du fromage à raclette des Pyrénées au brebis)

Faire revenir les oignons avec un peu de beurre. Mouiller avec le vin blanc. Saler et poivrer. Ajouter la saucisse et laisser cuire à petit feu.

Dans un plat à gratin, disposer en alternant par couches des crozets, des tranches de fromage et les oignons au vin blanc. Finir par la saucisse. Faire gratiner quelques minutes au four à 180°.

Déguster avec une petite salade et un bon vin blanc.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pork Stroganoff - Testing

1- Not bad, but I felt it was too dry. Ben liked it very much. I'd also like more mushroom. I'll track the changes just in case.
2 - I did not add more liquid and it came out saucier. The consensus is that there is too much of a sour cream flavour and texture. What would balance that? Adding mushroom was a good idea, because it's the mushroom flavour that needs to come forward. There's also the historical question about what was originally used as 'sour cream'; I used store-bought sour cream which is not the same as real bacterially fermented sour cream. Next time, I'll use crème fraîche - the flavour I'm imagining is cleaner and sharper, not as, um, unctuous or oily as 'faked' sour cream. I think I'll start there, and see if we continue to feel that there is too much sour cream before reducing the amount.

14 oz roast pork leftovers chopped small
2 Tbsps mild vegetable oil
1 onion, thinly sliced
¼ ½ pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
½ cup water + more until desired sauce is achieved
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
2 tsps paprika
½ tsp smoked paprika
½ teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups sour cream crème fraîche (see notes '2' - is the quantity right or is there still too much?)
2 Tbsps chopped fresh parsley
12 oz pasta

  1. Slowly cook the onion in the oil until soft and starting to turn brown. Add the mushrooms and cook until tender.
  2. Add the two paprikas and stir in until fragrant.
  3. Add the pork, the water, mustard and salt and sour cream. Bring to a slow simmer and gently cook, covered, while the past a cooks.
  4. Once the sauce is simmering, put on the pasta water and bring to a boil. A little before the pasta is al dente, drain and add to the sauce and cook until the pasta is done.
  5. Add parsley before serving.

Navajo Flatbread - Untested

Offered as a Facebook post by Brandon Johnson in Minnesota

Makes 6

2 cups flour
1 - 1 1/4cup of lukewarm water or milk
1 - 1 1/2 Tbsps baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp oil/butter (also seen it w/ 1 cup olive oil, but I think that's for deep frying, same ingredients, different results)

  1. Mix dry ingredients together and add most water, mix and add water until it has the consistency of tacky pizza dough.
  2. Knead for a few minutes.
  3. Let rest in greased bowl for 30- 60 minutes.
  4. Divide into 6 pieces and roll out on floured surface thin. (Tortilla thickness)
  5. Heat griddle to 350°F - 365F.
  6. Cook until golden brown spots develop and flip, cooking until done.
  7. They can be made ahead and kept under a flour towel or frozen for later use.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Gratiné d'oignons - Testing

1 - Really good. I didn't have the exact ratios of cheeses but it worked out really nicely. It's another Macaroni and Cheese but this version re-heats really well. There is much more goo than my usual recipe. I think I can probably play with cheeses. I have nothing against Fontina, but it isn't a usual cheese for me and I do like to keep things simple and trim.

5 tbsp. (70g) butter, divided, plus more room temperature for brushing
2 large (20oz/570gr) yellow onions, thinly sliced
Kosher salt
8 oz. cavatappi or other short curly pasta
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 1/2 c. whole milk
Cheese (total 18oz/517g) 
- 1 c. (4 oz/115g) grated fontina cheese (or Gruyère)
- 2 1/2 c. (10 oz/287g) grated Gruyère
- 1 c. (4 oz/115g) shredded sharp white cheddar
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, plus more for garnish
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
  1. In a large skillet, melt 3 Tbsps. (42gr) of the butter and cook the onions with a pinch of salt, stirring occasionally, until they are golden, about 30 minutes. Set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 350°F. 
  3. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until just al dente. Drain pasta.
  4. In the empty onion pan, melt the remaining 2 Tbsps. (28g) butter. 
  5. Blend in the flour and cook, stirring, 1 minute or until just starting to colour.
  6. Stir in the milk and whisk while it simmers until it thickens into a sauce.  
  7. Holding back 1 cup of the gruyere, stir in all the cheese and stir until it's melted. Remove from the heat. 
  8. Stir in the cooked pasta, caramelized onions, Dijon, thyme, and cayenne. Season with salt and pepper.
  9. Put in a gratin dish or in individual ramekins and bake until sauce is bubbly around the edges, about 20 minutes. 
  10. Switch the oven to broil and broil until cheese is golden, about 2 minutes. Garnish with more thyme before serving.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Barley pilaf - Test 1

I did this entirely on stovetop because I'm using the $20 Pender Freestore stove, with the over enthusiastic oven. The original recipe is for an oven-braised casserole, while I'm making a one-pot stove-top dish of it. Reporting soon on how it turns out.

1 - A very good mixture, and I ended up added the leftovers to a Leftover Veg Soup. Very nice. Had it with Winter Pork Loin Crockpot Roast or whatever I called it.

2 tablespoons butter
1 cup medium pearl barley (not quick cooking barley)
1/4 - 1/2 cup pine nuts or almonds, optional
2 garlic cloves, finely minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
3 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth

  1. In a soup pot, melt the butter over medium heat and add the barley, nuts (if using), garlic and onions.
  2. Saute the mixture, stirring frequently, until the onions are tender and the barley is golden. 
  3. Simmer uncovered for 60-80 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed and the barley is tender. Garnish with green onions, if desired.

Egg bhurji - Test 3

2021-07-31 - A good first try. I used dry chilli flakes because I didn't have the green chilli. Ben thinks he prefers it with toast vs. rice (ate it with toast, not rice), because of texture.
2021-10-02 - It's a good, simple, flavorful dish. 
2021- 10-09 - So quick and surprisingly good. Eating with bread is definitely better than with rice. Oh, and fresh tomato is a must.

1 Tbsp mild cooking oil
1/2 tsp brown mustard seeds
1 medium onion, chopped finely
1 1/2 -inch piece ginger, peeled and finely chopped
1 small green bird's eye chili, finely sliced OR a pinch of red pepper flakes
1 large tomato, chopped
1/8 tsp turmeric 
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
Small handful fresh cilantro, to garnish
Salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Heat the oil in a skillet and add the mustard seeds. When the seeds start to pop, add the onion. Sauté until softened.
  2. Add the ginger and green chili to the onion. Sauté for about 30 seconds, then add the chopped tomato and turmeric. Cook together until the tomato is just beginning to break down. Turn down the heat to medium-low.
  3. Stir the eggs into this mixture. Cook, stirring occasionally, until creamy curds form, similar to scrambled eggs. Stir in the fresh cilantro.
  4. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve.

Green Shakshuka - Untested

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 leeks (12oz/340g) halved lengthwise and thinly sliced
1 large celery stalk, sliced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 spicy chile pepper (any variety would work here), sliced
1 bunch of Swiss chard, cut into 1/2-inch ribbons
1 cup spinach (tightly packed)
1/2 bunch dried oregano
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Salt and pepper, to season
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
4 large eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. Over medium heat, warm the olive oil in a 9-inch cast iron skillet. Add the sliced leeks and celery. Cook until leeks soften, about 5 minutes. Add the minced garlic and sliced spicy pepper, and sauté for another 3 minutes. Toss in the Swiss chard, spinach, oregano, and cumin. Season to taste with salt and pepper (make sure not to over-salt the mixture, as the feta adds saltiness as well).
  3. Once the Swiss chard and spinach have wilted, scrape down the sides, and pat down the mixture. Sprinkle the crumbled feta over the greens mixture and carefully crack the eggs over the top, one at a time and spaced slightly apart. Add some more freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 7 to 10 minutes (longer if you prefer your eggs cooked more, or less time for runnier eggs). Serve immediately with fresh crusty bread.

Get creative with the add-ins, including the cheese! Goat cheese and blue cheese are really delicious in green shakshuka.

Split Pea Shakshuksha - Test 1

1 - Very nice first try. I turned it into a shakshuka and didn't bake the eggs. It's a pretty simple recipe, difficult to find ingredients.
2 - I did not indicate the size and correct type of pan to use and because I made it in a saucepan was forced to only cook 3 eggs at a time for 4 people! It think the timing is wrong for the peas to cook properly. I'm increasing it.
3 - Here's an idea, cook the beans on the stovetop, remove from heat when done, add the eggs at your leisure and throw in the oven with a lid on until the eggs are baked. The residual heat from underneath will bake them more quickly than from the top so the yolk should remain unaffected. Oven at 350°F. But for how long?
4 - Made it all on the stovetop and it worked fine, with runny yolks and all. The problem I have is that I find the peas aren't cooked enough in a reasonable amount of time. So I'm going to try pre-soaking.
5 - The flavor is very good. Now it's just about the cooking time. I am going to change the recipe to cook the peas for 30 minutes before adding the red lentils. And the eggs don't cook quickly enough at a low temperature, so I'm bringing it up to medium heat.
6 - This is now very good. I've changed the recipe from a stove-top to a combined with baking recipe for the last bit because it's easier to get the perfectly custardy egg whites and the soft yolks without burning the mash. I've made it like this and it was near perfection, therefore I will graduate this to Test 1.

1 cup yellow split peas
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 small onion, minced (6oz/74gr)
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsps garam masala
1 cup red lentils
4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 tsp salt
Ground pepper, to taste
¼ to 1 cup finely chopped cilantro leaves, from one small bunch
4 to 6 large eggs
  1. Soak the peas for at least 2 hours before boiling, preferably overnight. Drain completely before adding.
  2. In a large wide saucepan with a lid, heat the oil and add the onion and garlic. Cook, stirring until the garlic and shallots are golden and fragrant. 
  3. Add the split peas and stir in the garam masala. Cook for a brief minute or until you smell the spices.
  4. Add the broth and bring to a boil. 
  5. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for about 30 to 40 minutes.
  6. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  7. Add the red lentils and cook for another 20 to 30 minutes or until the yellow split peas are perfectly tender. It's ok if the split peas are still whole, and this adds texture, but they should not be crunchy.
  8. Stir in the cilantro and season with salt and pepper.
  9. Make shallow depressions in the peas and lentils and gently crack the eggs into them. (The reason for shallow depressions is to keep the egg away from the bottom of the pan for more even cooking)
  10. Cover and put in the oven to bake for 10 to 12 minutes. The egg whites should be soft and custard-like and the yolks still soft and runny.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Braised Slow-Cooked Ham Hock and Beans - Untested

1 pound dried pinto beans
1 large smoked ham hock (about 1 1/2 lbs) (or 2 small hocks)
2 bay leaves
1/2 to 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
6 cups water
Salt (to taste)
Black pepper (to taste)

Soak the beans for 6 hours or overnight.
Put the beans and the ham hocks in the crock pot with the bay leaves and crushed red pepper flakes. Cover with the 6 cups of water.
Cover the pot and cook for 6 to 8 hours on HIGH, or until the beans are tender.
Remove the ham hock and dice or shred the meat.
Taste the beans and season with salt and black pepper, as needed.
Serve the pinto beans with freshly baked cornbread.

Recipe Variations
For a Tex-Mex flavor twist, add 2 teaspoons of chili powder and about 1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin, or to taste. Add a 14-ounce can of diced tomatoes (chili-style, fire-roasted, or tomatoes with green chile peppers) when you season them with salt and pepper. Cook for about 20 minutes longer and serve them with corn or flour tortillas or crushed tortilla chips.
If you just want to add a bit of extra flavor, but not change the whole dish, try adding 3 cloves of minced garlic to the beans.
Or, dice a medium onion and add that to the beans. This will give an extra depth to the dish as well.
If it's a little extra texture, heartiness, or color that you're looking to add, try dicing a red or green bell pepper and adding it to the beans.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Farm bread - Test 3

A long time ago, Ben developed a recipe for our automatic bread maker, which has lived on the little bit of paper, which has been floating around for the last 5 years and which, miraculously, has not gotten lost! I'm indicating this as Test 3 to start here, since we have made it a lot, but a long time ago, and our tastes may have changed.

1- You know, it came out looking deflated and not very flavorful. I realize the recipe on the bit of paper is an attempt to reduce the size of the original recipe by a third. So, some tweaking is required.

1 cup water (scant?)
1 Tbsp + 1 tsp sugar
2 tsps dry active yeast
1/4 cup oil
3 cups flour
2 tsp salt

  1. In the order given, put all the ingredients in the bread maker pan.
  2. On my machine, it's set to 'white bread' with a 'Medium' crust which is for 3 hours and 10 minutes. 
NOTE: on my machine, during the initial kneading, I open and with a spatula loosen the sides to make sure all the flour gets in the dough.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nettle Aloo - Testing

1 - Generally good. I need to figure out how to use the fenugreek, because they just come out as slightly rubbery little nubs. I want to find the article from that chef at that place who describes something about soaking then roasting the little seeds before using them. And I had not great potatoes to go with, they were grainy and just fell apart. Otherwise, it was good...

1 large white onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp black/brown mustard seeds
Splash mild vegetable oil
2 tsps black onion seeds
2 tsps methi (fenugreek seeds) (toast and grind before using)
Salt and pepper
2-3 potatoes, medium, 1/4 inch cubes
8-10 oz Nettles

  1. Dry roast the fenugreek seeds in a dry pan before grinding.
  2. Blanch the nettles in boiling water then drain in a colander. Finely chop them and set them aside.
  3. Boil the potatoes in salted water until just shy of being cooked. About 10 minutes.
  4. Fry the spices in oil, lower the heat then add the onion and cook until it softens. Add the garlic then the potatoes. Cook until they begin to colour and are soft throughout then add the chopped nettles. Let down with a little water if necessary, season and serve with whichever curries you desire.

Nettle and Mushroom Pie - Test 1

1 - This was a grand success. Ben picked just under 1lb of nettles, but they were all good, ie no woody bits had to be removed. I made it with cottage cheese since fromage blanc isn't common in these parts, but once we have cows (or goats I suppose) I'll want to use that. I was going to substitute walnuts for the pine nuts, but forgot, and it wasn't really missed. I'll want to try nonetheless, but I'll list it as an option.

1 lb nettles, rinsed
1 lb cottage cheese or fromage blanc or try using Yogurt Cheese
1 tsp lemon zest
dash of nutmeg
1/4 cup Parmesan, grated + 1/4 cup for topping
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 egg
1/4 feta, crumbled
1 cup onion, fine chop
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp fat (veg oil or bacon fat)
1 cup fine diced sliced mushrooms
1/4 tsp dill
1/2 tsp thyme or 1 sprig, leafed and minced
Blind-baked pie crust, completely cooled
OPTIONAL: 1/4 cup pine nuts walnuts pieces
  1. Blanch the nettles in boiling water just until bright green – about 10 seconds. Drain and shock in cold water. Drain again, and squeeze out all the water. Remove any big stems, woody stems. Chop fine.
  2. In your food processor (or combine and press through a fine sieve), combine the cheese, lemon zest, nutmeg, Parmesan and some salt and pepper. Crack in an egg, and crumble the last half of your chunk of feta. Process this until it’s smooth and silky.
  3. Saute the onion, garlic and mushrooms in the fat. When the onions become translucent, add the dill and thyme. Turn off the heat, stir in the chopped nettles and stir in the cheese mixture. Pour this into a pie shell and top with a sprinkle of pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. Bake at 375° for about 45 minutes or until nicely browned and bubbling.
  4. Let it cool off for about 10 minutes before serving.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Pork and Nettle Pie - Untested

2 pounds pork shoulder (cubed)
1 onion (small diced)
4 stalks celery (small diced)
2 carrots (small diced)
1/2 cup sherry
4 cups pork stock
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 pound nettles (cleaned)
salt (To taste)
1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
6 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt
3/4 pound butter (diced and cold)
3/4 cup lard (diced and cold)
ice water (As needed)

  1. For the Filling: Sear pork in a large pot until well browned. Add mirepoix and sauté until browned and tender; deglaze with sherry wine.
  2. Add pork stock and simmer until tender. Make a slurry with the cornstarch and fold nettles in. Add nettle slurry to pot and bring to boil to thicken. Season with salt and vinegar and chill
  3. For the Dough: Combine the flour, sugar and salt, cut the mixture with lard and butter, keeping it very cold. Add water until crumbling and barely holding together. Wrap and chill
  4. To serve: Roll pie dough into small muffin tins and fill with pork mixture. Top with a layer of dough, vent and bake at 375°F for 15-20 minutes or until dough is cooked through and flaky

Thursday, March 19, 2020

du Puy Lentil Stew #3 - Untested

Lentilles vertes du Puy à la tomate et diots au vin blanc
Pour 4 personnes
250 g de lentilles vertes du puy
1 boîte de tomates concassées au naturel de 400 g
1 oignon
5 diots ( saucisses Savoyardes ou à défaut une autre saucisse fumée type saucisse de Morteau mais elles sont 2 fois plus grandes, donc en mettre moins )
50 ml de vin blanc sec
1 cuillère à soupe d’Herbe de Provence
2 cuillères à soupe de Maïzena
Sel, poivre
2 cuillères de persil frais
  1. Mettre les lentilles dans une cocotte anti – adhésive avec 2 fois et demi leur volume d’eau, le contenu de la boîte de tomates concassées et les herbes de provence. Verser la Maïzena quand l’eau est en ébullition et cuire à feu doux pendant environ 40 mn en remuant souvent. L’eau doit s’être évaporée.
  2. Pendant ce temps, couper les saucisses en tronçons et les faire cuire à part avec l’oignon éminçé finement et le vin blanc dans une poèle à feu doux .
  3. Une fois le tout bien doré et le vin évaporé, mettre les saucisses et l’oignon sur quelques feuilles de sopalin pour absorber le surplus d’huile.
  4. Une fois les lentilles cuites ( elles doivent être bien gonflées et elles doivent avoir absorbé toute l’eau ), ajouter les saucisses, l’oignon, du sel et du poivre. Remettre à chauffer quelques minutes .
  5. Saupoudrer de persil frais.

Roast Pork and du Puy Lentil Stew #2 - Untested

Rôti en cocotte et son ragoût de lentilles vertes du Puy

Pour 4 personnes :

400 g de lentilles vertes du Puy
3 belles carottes coupées en rondelles
1 gros oignon émincé
100 g de champignons de Paris émincés
150 g de lardons fumés
125 g de crème fraîche
150 ml de purée ou coulis de tomate
1/2 litre de bouillon de volaille
1 feuille de laurier
Herbe de Provence
Sel, poivre du moulin

  1. Eplucher et couper les oignons en petits dés. Les faire revenir avec les lardons dans une marmite.
  2. Eplucher et couper les carottes en rondelles. Les ajouter aux lardons.
  3. Verser la purée ou le coulis de tomate avec les aromates dans la cocotte. Ajouter le bouillon de volaille et les lentilles vertes. Cuire à feu vif jusqu’à ébullition.
  4. Ajouter les champignons émincés. Couvrir et poursuivre la cuisson à feu doux pendant 30 mn. Rectifier avec sel et poivre du moulin.
  5. En fin de cuisson, prélever le jus de lentille avec 6 cuillères à soupe de lentilles dans une casserole.
  6. Ajouter la crème au jus de cuisson, réduire 15 mn à feu vif. Mixer la sauce avec un mixer plongeant. Et la verser sur les lentilles. Servir chaud !

Rôti de porc en cocotte

1kg de rôti de porc
1 carotte en rondelles
1 branche de céleri en petits dés
1 oignon émincé
Huile d’olive
15 cl d’eau
Feuille de laurier, thym, ail
Sel, poivre du moulin

  1. Eplucher l’oignon et la carotte. Les émincer. Couper la branche de céleri en petits dés. Eplucher l’ail.
  2. Chauffer l’huile d’olive dans une cocotte en fonte. Saler le rôti de porc (sorti du réfrigérateur au moins 30mn avant cuisson) et le faire dorer sur toutes ses faces. Le réserver.
  3. Dans la même cocotte, faire revenir l’oignon, la carotte et le céleri avec une pincée de sel et une cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive. Ajouter les aromates et les 15 cl d’eau puis déglacer à feu vif.
  4. Remettre le rôti de porc dans la cocotte et poivrer. Couvrir et poursuivre la cuisson pendant 45 mn à feu moyen.

du Puy Lentil Stew #1 - Testing

1 - It makes a lot!!! I could easily halve or even reduce to a third of the recipe, especially if I intend it as a side. On its own, it's a little dull - nice meaty cubes might be a welcome addition, or sausages? And the quantity of liquid, at least in this iteration, is only exactly enough - there was no extra to boil down. I will cross out that part to see if the same happens next time. But while cooking the aromatics, wow, the aromatics smell so good! Ben said it reminded him of the autumn.

3 slices of bacon cut into lardons
3 onions, chopped fine
5 carrots, sliced
150 g (about 15) mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
A pinch of Herbes de Provence
Salt and pepper to taste
1 1/2 cups puréed tomato
3 cups du Puy lentils
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup crème fraîche
  1. Put lardons, onions, carrots, and mushrooms. When it starts to sizzle, add the bay leaves, herbes, salt and pepper. 
  2. Once the carrots are just tender, add the tomato and lentils, mix and get to hot, then add the broth and bring to a simmer. Cook until the lentils are perfectly soft.
  3. Now, prepare to reduce the broth by draining the liquid into a saucepan. Add the cream and simmer, uncovered, for about 15 minutes.
  4. Mix the cream into the lentils and reheat the lot.
  5. Serve on its own with crusty bread or as a side with a meat dish.

Pork Belly with Lentils #3 - Untested

For the belly
1 (3-pound) pork belly (not cured)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 large carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks on the bias
3 onions, quartered
1 cup apple cider
Few fresh thyme sprigs
2 bay leaves
6 black peppercorns
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon cider vinegar

For the lentils
1 cup French green lentils (du Puy lentils)
1 shallot
1 bay leaf
1 fresh thyme sprig
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Score the fat on the belly and season both sides with salt and pepper. Make a bed in a roasting pan with the carrots and onions. Lay the pork belly on top, skin-side up. Pour over the cider and a cup of water. Cook 30 minutes to get the fat running. Stir together the honey and Dijon with a spoonful of water. Brush the mustard mixture onto the fat, and lower the heat to 325 degrees F. Continue cooking, basting occasionally with the honey, for 3 hours.
  3. An hour before the belly is done, start the lentils. Rinse the lentils in cold water, drain, and put in a saucepan with 1 1/2 cups water, the shallot, bay leaf and thyme. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer gently until tender, 30 to 40 minutes, checking occasionally to make sure no more water is needed. Drain the lentils, and season with salt, and pepper. Set aside to reheat later.
  4. Remove the belly from the oven when it's done, and transfer to a baking sheet. Return it to the oven at 450 degrees F for 15 minutes to crispen the skin.
  5. Meanwhile, drain the juices from the roasting pan into a measuring cup, reserving the vegetables and keeping them warm. Pour the fat off the juices, using some to moisten the lentils and saving the rest for another use. Deglaze the roasting pan with the vinegar and reduce to a glaze, then add the cooking juices and cook down for a minute or two. Reheat the lentils gently.
  6. Slice the belly and serve with the vegetables, and with the pork-fat moistened lentils.

Pork Belly with Lentils #2 - Untested

#1 For the Pork Belly
1 cup brown sugar
3 bay leaves
1 Tbsp salt
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, whole
5 cloves
4 cups water
1 1/2 cups cider vinegar
1 1/2 pounds pork belly, cut into 1-inch cubes

#2 Sauteed Mushrooms
1 1/2 Tbsps vegetable oil
1 1/2 Tbsps butter
1 lb button mushrooms, quartered
1 clove garlic, smashed
3 Tbsps chopped fresh thyme
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

#3 Lentils
1 1/2 cups dried French lentils
2 shallots, smashed
3 cloves garlic, smashed
5 sprigs fresh thyme
3 bay leaves
3 cups water

Sauteed Mushrooms
2 ripe tomatoes, diced
1/4 bunch fresh chives, thinly sliced

Crispy Glazed Pork Belly
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Baked Eggs, recipe follows
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 small shallot, thinly sliced
8 fresh eggs, at room temperature
1 plum tomato, seeded and finely diced
1 Tbsp butter
1/3 cup 35-percent whipping cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 bunch fresh chives, finely sliced
4 slices toast
  1. To make pickling liquid: Put the brown sugar, bay leaves, salt, peppercorns, cloves, water and cider vinegar in a pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
  2. Put the pork belly into a pot of cold salted water and bring to a boil, skim the top of the water to remove the impurities, then reduce to a simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Strain the pork from the water and rinse.
  3. Put the pork belly pieces into the pickling liquid and simmer for approximately 30 to 45 minutes, until tender.
  4. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  5. Remove the pork belly from the pickling liquid and pat dry. In a large cast iron pan over medium heat, sear the pork belly, season with salt, and pepper, then put in oven. Continue to check on the pork belly constantly turning the pieces over to ensure all sides are crispy, remove from the oven.
  6. Strain 2 cups of pickling liquid in a small pan and reduce by 2/3, until the liquid achieves a thick syrup consistency. Put the reduced pickling liquid, now a glaze, in a bowl and coat the crispy pork belly.
  7. To assemble:
  8. Spoon the Aromatic Lentils and Sauteed Mushrooms, recipe follows in the center of the serving plate, then scatter the crispy glazed pork belly around the aromatic lentils and serve immediately. Serve with Baked Eggs, if desired, recipe follows.
  9. Sauteed Mushrooms
  10. Mushrooms: 
  11. Put the oil and butter in a saute pan over medium-high heat. Once the butter has melted, add the crimini mushrooms, garlic, and thyme, saute until golden brown, approximately 5 minutes. Add the balsamic vinegar, season with salt and pepper, toss and remove from heat. Reserve the mushrooms to add to the cooked lentils.
  12. Lentils
  13. Put the lentils, shallots, garlic, thyme, bay leaves, and water in a pot, bring to a boil, cover and reduce to a simmer, cook until lentils are tender.
  14. Remove the bay leaves, garlic, and shallots, and set aside. Strain the lentils and put in a large bowl. Puree the garlic and shallots, and add back to the lentils and season with salt, and pepper. Add the sauteed mushrooms and diced tomatoes to the lentils. Toss and garnish with chives.
  15. Baked Eggs
  16. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  17. Divide the vegetable oil and shallots evenly among 4 oven-proof wide-mouthed ramekins. Gently crack 2 eggs per ramekin. Divide the tomato, butter, and cream evenly among the ramekins. Season with salt, and pepper, and put in the oven for approximately 8 to 10 minutes, until eggs whites have set.
  18. Carefully, remove the ramekins from the oven and garnish with fresh sliced chives and serve immediately with toast.

Pork Belly with Lentils #1 - Untested

7 ounces sea salt
5 1/2 ounces demerara sugar
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
2 cloves
1 bay leaf
Sprig fresh thyme

Pork Belly and Lentils:
2 1/4 pounds pork belly
Oil, for frying
2 1/2 ounces bacon, diced
1 onion, finely chopped
7 ounces Puy lentils (French green lentils)
1 tablespoon Herbe de Provence
3/4 cup white wine
1 3/4 cups chicken stock

1 ounce fresh mint, leaves picked
1 ounce fresh parsley, leaves picked
1 3/4 ounces cavolo nero (Tuscan kale)
1 1/4 ounces capers, drained and roughly chopped
1/3 ounce salted anchovies, roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and grated
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 lemon, zest only
1 shallot, very finely chopped
2/3 cup olive oil

  1. For the brine: Put the sea salt, demerara sugar, peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf, thyme and 3 1/2 cups of water in a pan and bring to the boil. Make sure the sugar and salt have dissolved, then remove from the heat and leave to cool.
  2. For the pork belly and lentils: Place the pork belly in a plastic container with a lid. Pour the brine over the pork to cover and seal the container with the lid. Transfer to the fridge for 24 hours.
  3. When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.
  4. Remove the pork belly from the brine and pat dry. Place the pork belly onto a wire rack suspended over a baking sheet. Roast until crisp and golden-brown, 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Allow the pork to rest for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Heat a little oil in a saucepan set over a medium heat and add the bacon. Cook until crisp, then remove the bacon and add the onions to the pan. Fry until soft and translucent. Return the bacon to the pan. Stir in the lentils and herbes de Provence and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the white wine and bring to the boil. Pour in the chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat and cook until the lentils are just soft, about 30 minutes.
  6. For the salsa: Bring a pan of water to a boil. Blanch the mint and parsley in the boiling water for a minute. Remove the herbs from the pan, keeping the water boiling, and plunge them into ice-cold water. Add the cavolo nero to the boiling water and, after 2 minutes, transfer to the cold water with the herbs. When the leaves are cold, drain them thoroughly and squeeze to remove any excess water.
  7. Chop together the cavolo nero, mint leaves and parsley leaves. Add the capers, anchovies and garlic. Put this mixture into a bowl with the salt, cayenne pepper, lemon zest and shallots. Mix in the olive oil to make a rough salsa.
  8. To serve, slice the pork, spoon the lentils into a large serving bowl and serve with the salsa.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Savory Amaranth Fritters - FAIL

From the Amaranth Seed packet from Bob's Red Mill

1 - This was terrible. I may not have done the frying correctly. It just tasted of oil. Disgusting. I'm loathe to try it again.

1 cup amaranth seed
2 Tbsps diced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups stock or broth
1 egg
2 Tbsps white flour
1 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped
Oil, to fry
  1. In a medium saucepan, bring amaranth, onion, garlic, salt and stock to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover. Cook until the broth is absorbed by the grain, about 40 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and let cool.
  3. Once cooled, add the egg, flour and basil, mixing well.
  4. Heat 1/4 inch of oil in a wide skillet over medium-high heat. 
  5. Drop batter into the oil in 2 Tbsps blobs. Cook until browned, about 2 minutes per side.
  6. Drain on paper.
  7. Serve with tomato sauce or salsa.
  8. Makes about 15.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Anti-fhuar (for the common cold) - Testing

1 - Ben has started a mild cold so I decided to look for drinks other than hot toddies. This one looked good. It included all the hot toddy ingredients and threw in some ginger. I made it as follows, except for the Triplesec which Ben added to help balance the flavours. The original recipe asked for blended scotch but I only had bourbon, and it also asked for Islay scotch, which I just omitted. ('fhuar' means 'cold' in Scots Gaelic according to Google Translate)

1" piece ginger root, finely grated
2 oz bourbon (or blended scotch)
.75 oz lime juice
.75 oz honey syrup (see note)
.25 oz Triplesec (or Islay Scotch)
Optional, for garnish - candied ginger

  1. Finely grate the ginger to get it juicy. Pop into a shaker and add the bourbon. Let it steep for a bit to allow the bits of ginger to give up their juices to the alcohol.
  2. Add the lemon juice, honey syrup and Triplesec and shake.
  3. Fine strain into glasses and pop in some crushed ice.
  4. Garnish if desired. If using the Islay Scotch, gently pour it on top.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Beef Barley Stew or Soup - PUBLISHED

This can be made as thick or soupy as you want (I presume).

1 - This totally rocks, but I crock-potted it for more than six hours and it was way done before that. I removed the tomato paste, and I think the Dijon added what tang the paste might have done. I did not have parsley, I really need to grow some!
2 - At the moment it is still cooking. But it has overflowed my slow cooker! I will cut the recipe ingredients by half. I couldn't even put in the full amount of broth, only 5 cups!
Half seemed like not enough for leftovers (one of the reasons I love this recipe) so I changed it in underline to two-thirds of the recipe (I hope!).
3 - These are the correct amounts. It was just enough to fill my slow cooker without overflowing it.

1 1/2 - 2 lbs beef chuck (sirloin tip, top sirloin, etc) or round beef roast, in 1/4" cubes (cut when half-thawed to make it easier)
2/3 tsp tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground pepper
1 Tbsp oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
6 - 8 oz mushrooms, thin slice
2/3 cup red wine
1 tsp fresh thyme or 2-3 sprigs 
1 bay leaf
2 tsps  Dijon mustard
2 - 6 cups beef stock
2/3 cup pearl barley
2 medium carrots, peeled and diced
1/4 cup flat leaf parsley chopped
  1. Melt/heat the oil in a large pan and when hot, add the meat and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sear the meat until it is browned on all sides. Put in the slow cooker.
  2. Add oil to the pan if necessary and cook the onion until it is soft. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute. Add the mushrooms and cook until browning. Dump into the slow cooker.
  3. Add the wine to the hot pan a reduce by half or more.
  4. Add 2 cups of the broth to the pan and add to the slow cooker, along with the rest of the broth.
  5. Add the carrot, the thyme and bay leaf, the mustard and of course the barley.
  6. Cook on high for 6 hours?
  7. Before serving, stir in the parsley.

Mock Goose (beef heart) - Testing

Dorothy Hartley pg. 80-1

"To make this tough meat tender, it takes a couple of days and very slow cooking, so prepare well in advance."

0 - I would like to Frankenstein this recipe with modern versions and eventually with a French flair.

1 beef heart
2 tsps salt
2 whole onions, peeled and trimmed
1 bay leaf
7 peppercorns
1 Tbsp wine vinegar
Beef fat from the braising
? breadcrumbs
? 1 Tbsp sage
? salt and pepper
? broth
Apple sauce

Two to three days before cooking wash the heart well and remove the arteries if it hasn’t been done by your butcher. Dilute the salt in a bowl of water and submerge the heart. Let it soak for at least a half hour.
In a pot, place the heart along with the onions, a bay leaf and the peppercorns, cover with water and add the wine vinegar. Over very low heat (a slow cooker on low for example), cover and cook slowly overnight for at least 24 hours (this does not have to be consecutive; you can let it cool and cook it again the same way the following night).
After the last night of cooking, allow it to cool completely in its broth.
Mix together breadcrumbs, fat, sage, salt and pepper and stuff the heart. Sew it up to seal it.
Dredge heavily in flour. Lay in a roasting pan with bacon draped over it. Arrange the potatoes around (and maybe the sausages?).
Roast in a ?? oven for ??.
Serve with apple sauce.