There are always loads of recipes I'd like to try but lose them before I do. This is where I can record recipes I find interesting and keep notes on my experiments with them.

I have a system that I've adopted for working through recipes:

1 - New recipes are saved to the Experimental Mouffette and is labeled : Untested
2 - As I'm working out the changes I'd like to make (if any) it is labeled : Testing
3 - Once I think I've got the correct formula it is labeled : Test 1
4 - IF I am able to reproduce the effect a second time it is labeled : Test 2 - if I am not able to reproduce the effect, it remains Test 1
5 - The same process as step 4 is used to graduate it to Test 3
6 - Once I have been able to reproduce the effect successfully 3 times, it graduates to my main blog, La Mouffette Gourmande

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Queue de porc aux lentilles avec dombré - FAIL

1 - I will not try this recipe. I tried another recipe using pig tails and Ben wouldn't even touch it. I don't need that kind of negativity! However, I do want to try the dombré at some point... but with what?

2 pig tails 4 queues de porc
1 cup lentils 300 g de lentilles
2 cups broth 1 oignon haché
2 tranches de poitrine fumée
1 bouquet garni
1 piment entier
clous de girofles

  1. Après les avoir coupés en morceaux, faire cuire les queues de porcs dans de l'eau pendant 20 min.
  2. Pendant ce temps, faire revenir le bouquet garni, l'oignon haché, la poitrine fumée et le piment dans une poêle huilée.
  3. Ajouter les lentilles et couvrir d'eau.
  4. Incorporer les clous de girofle et laisser mijoter un quart d'heure.
  5. Ajouter les queues de porcs et laisser cuire pendant 1h.
  6. Meanwhile, make the dombré.
  7. Assaisonner et incorporer des boulettes de dombrés. Laisser cuire encore un quart d'heure.

3 1/2 cups of flour
1 cup water
1  tsp salt 
1 Tbsp of oil
  1. With the flour in a large bowl, create a well in the middle.
  2. Add the oil, salt and water.
  3. Work with your hands to create a ball that isn't tacky; add water or flour to achieve the correct texture.
  4. Roll into small balls and set aside until it's time to add them to the stew.

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