1 - This turned out to be quite interesting. I make Skirlie as well and served them together. Honestly, the Rumpledethumps would be a bit bland on its own, but with the toasted Skirlie, it is quite good. I made it with kale.
2 - Another surprising delicious adventure. It was the right choice to add the Skirlie, it is essential to making this an excellent meal.
3 - I also usually double this recipe. Last time I increased the cabbage to good effect, the original being 8oz, increased it to 12, therefore to double the recipe it will be 24oz.
4 - The doubled amount works well. I didn't have rutabaga, but I did have kohlrabi, and it was quite good. I'm adding it as an option.
4-5 servings
500g 1 lb 2lbs potatoes, cooked and mashed
10 20 oz turnip or rutabaga or kohlrabi, cooked and mashed
2 1/2 5 oz 75g butter
8 oz 250g 24 oz cabbage or Kale, sliced very thin
1 tsp salt
1 tsp salt
Pepper to taste
1 recipe of Skirlie
- Preheat the oven to around
180 C350F - Combine the mashed potato and turnip in a large bowl. (If you have to boil the potato and turnip to make this, boil them together).
- Melt all the butter in a frying pan and braise the cabbage or kale until softened (do not brown).
- Add the cooked veg to the potato mixture and combine thoroughly, adding in any remaining butter from the pan.
- Put the mash in an oven-proof baking tray, cover with a lid or aluminum foil and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until heated through and bubbling.
- While baking, make the Skirlie.
- Remove the lid, sprinkle the cheese on top and cook until golden brown, another 15 minutes.
- Serve with Skirlie on the side for each diner to sprinkle on top as needed.
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