There are always loads of recipes I'd like to try but lose them before I do. This is where I can record recipes I find interesting and keep notes on my experiments with them.

I have a system that I've adopted for working through recipes:

1 - New recipes are saved to the Experimental Mouffette and is labeled : Untested
2 - As I'm working out the changes I'd like to make (if any) it is labeled : Testing
3 - Once I think I've got the correct formula it is labeled : Test 1
4 - IF I am able to reproduce the effect a second time it is labeled : Test 2 - if I am not able to reproduce the effect, it remains Test 1
5 - The same process as step 4 is used to graduate it to Test 3
6 - Once I have been able to reproduce the effect successfully 3 times, it graduates to my main blog, La Mouffette Gourmande

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Rhubarb Strawberry Jam - Untested

4 tasses de FRAISES FRAÎCHES, équeutées et coupées en 2 ou en 4, selon la grosseur.
4 tasses de RHUBARBE, en morceaux de 1/2 po.
6 tasses de SUCRE

Amener à ébullition les fruits et le sucre. Lorsque le mélange bout, laisser mijoter à petits bouillons pendant environ 15 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la confiture nappe une cuillère froide sans couler lorsque l'on passe son doigt.
Verser dans des bocaux chauds et stérilisés et canner selon votre méthode habituelle.

NOTE: For jellying, a candy thermometre needs to go up to 220F. If using less sugar than is recommended in the recipe, the time it takes to reach 220F will be longer.

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