There are always loads of recipes I'd like to try but lose them before I do. This is where I can record recipes I find interesting and keep notes on my experiments with them.

I have a system that I've adopted for working through recipes:

1 - New recipes are saved to the Experimental Mouffette and is labeled : Untested
2 - As I'm working out the changes I'd like to make (if any) it is labeled : Testing
3 - Once I think I've got the correct formula it is labeled : Test 1
4 - IF I am able to reproduce the effect a second time it is labeled : Test 2 - if I am not able to reproduce the effect, it remains Test 1
5 - The same process as step 4 is used to graduate it to Test 3
6 - Once I have been able to reproduce the effect successfully 3 times, it graduates to my main blog, La Mouffette Gourmande

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Pastador - Untested

I recently discovered that my ancestors on my mom's side are from Nord-des-Pas-de-Callais, so I've started doing a deep dive on recipes from this region. I have to look back to see if they would have been in the region when chocolate was available but, nonetheless, I'll accept that my lineage springs from a people who have adopted this as a mainstay.

1 boîte de lait concentré sucré (396 g) froid
1 plaque de chocolat noir (200 g)
200 g de beurre doux ramolli
1⁄2 cuillère à café d'Arôme naturel de vanille bourbon
  1. Casser le chocolat en morceaux dans une casserole.
  2. Faire fondre le chocolat au bain-marie.
  3. Une fois le chocolat fondu, ajouter le beurre mou et bien mélanger. Laissez refroidir 10 minutes.
  4. Ajouter ensuite le lait concentré sucré.
  5. Bien mélanger le tout jusqu’à obtenir un mélange lisse et homogène.
  6. Mettre dans un pot ou un bol.
  7. Envelopper de film plastique.
  8. Mettre au réfrigérateur durant au moins 12h.
  9. Sortir du réfrigérateur et déguster !

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