There are always loads of recipes I'd like to try but lose them before I do. This is where I can record recipes I find interesting and keep notes on my experiments with them.

I have a system that I've adopted for working through recipes:

1 - New recipes are saved to the Experimental Mouffette and is labeled : Untested
2 - As I'm working out the changes I'd like to make (if any) it is labeled : Testing
3 - Once I think I've got the correct formula it is labeled : Test 1
4 - IF I am able to reproduce the effect a second time it is labeled : Test 2 - if I am not able to reproduce the effect, it remains Test 1
5 - The same process as step 4 is used to graduate it to Test 3
6 - Once I have been able to reproduce the effect successfully 3 times, it graduates to my main blog, La Mouffette Gourmande

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Turmeric Elixir - Testing

1 - very good and particularly in tea instead of sugar. Wonder how it would do with milk? Anyway, trying to understand the 'posology' between the pasta and this honey for the medicinal properties of turmeric. The paste is thick and dense and you're supposed to consume about 1 tsp per day. If I only put 1 tsp of turmeric in 7 Tbsps. of honey and take 1 Tbsp of that, I'm only get 1/7th of a tsp of turmeric per day. But it tastes good in the current honey form. So I'm trying to increase the amount of turmeric by quite a lot, rationalizing that if it's too strong, I can just increase the quantity of honey.
2 - I used 250mg honey instead, I've been using the turmeric paste instead of the powder, which may make a difference if I'm going by weight. I've also added ashwagandha powder, but only 2 tsps. For a daily dose of 1/4 tsp can go as high as 1/2 tsp. So, for 1/4 tsp per day I need 4.25 tsps. of ashwagandha powder in the mix.

Take 1 TBSP per day

7 Tbsp (280g) honey 
1 tsp turmeric powder (trying 4 Tbsps., for the paste it's 70g)
1 tsp ginger powder (doubled to 2 tsps.)
pinch black pepper (doubled to 1/4 tsp)

Mix together.
Can mix in a glass of milk if the flavor is too strong.

1 Tbsp of honey weighs 21g
4 Tbsps turmeric PASTE is 70g
The rest is measured in volume.

There is approx 17 Tbsps of honey in 280g of honey and 70g turmeric paste which comes to 350.
350 divided by 21 is approx 17

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