1 - The first time I made this I arranged some 1.5 inch pieces of chives on top. Ben thought it was pretty, but preferred having more flavour, which seemed to be satisfied by some fresh tarragon instead.
Concombres tranchés 250ml / 1/2 of a long English cucumber, peeled and sliced
Oignons émincés 375ml / 1 medium onion, minced
Piments verts émincés 250ml / 1 yellow pepper, minced
Beurre 50ml / 3 Tbsps butter
Bouillon de volaille 1L / 4 1/3 cups chicken broth
Farine forte 30ml / 2 Tbsps flour
Jaunes d'oeufs 2 / 2 egg yolks
Lait 250ml / 1 cup milk
Sel 2ml / 1/2 tsp salt
Poivre 1ml / 1/4 tsp pepper
Concombres en dés 250ml / 1/2 of a long English cucumber, peeled and diced fine
Garnish - either with chives or with fresh tarragon.
Faire revenir dans le beurre les concombres pelés, les oignons et le piments verts. / Melt the butter and sauté the cucumber, onion and pepper
Singer (saupoudrer de farine). / Sprinkle the flour over and mix in well.
Mouiller avec le bouillon de volaille. / Add the chicken broth.
Assaisonner. / Season with salt and pepper.
Cuire à feu doux pendant environ 45 minutes. / Cook for about 45 minutes at a slow simmer.
Passer au tamis. / Run through a food mill or use an immersion blender.
Remettre à cuire pendant 10 minutes. / Cook another 10 minutes.
Lier avec les jaunes d'oeufs battus avec le lait. / In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and the milk. Whisk slowly into the soup.
Servir immédiatement et garnir de concombres pelés, épépinés et coupés en petits dés. / Serve immediately with diced cucumber garnish and, if using, tarragon.